Tuesday, 24 April 2012

SOS Online Backup Vs IBackup

Cloud Storage Comparison Challenge

IBackup is a really good choice for an online backup and cloud storage company, but they have some really stiff competition. SOS has really made a strong name for themselves and is taking the online backup world by storm. Their affordable pricing and high quality features have brought them customers from all over the place. There are a few things that they have done particularly well, especially in comparison to a company like IBackup.

The Features

SOS features:

• Special pricing available on occasion

• Mobile access available via iPhone and Android

• Military level encryption software available

• State of the art data centers keep data safe

IBackup features:

• Can use with your iPhone or other iOS enabled device

• Accidental file recovery available for 30 days

• Setup Wizards there to help setup correctly the first time

• Activity details available to be viewed online

SOS online backup

The Security

256 - bit encryption software is the tools of choice for both IBackup and SOS, and for good reason. This is what banks use, and what some parts of military installations choose to use as well. It has been proven to be one of the most secure versions of encryption software available on the market today. Even though it is so readily available, it is nearly impossible to break. Since you can schedule when backups occur and put security restrictions on different accounts, all of your information is as safe as it can possibly be.

The Storage Size

The amount of space you get with SOS is much different than what you can get with IBackup, and so is the pricing. You should seriously consider your budget and try and get a decent idea on how much space you will need each month or year before signing up with either, because they don't offer unlimited storage. It's always best to overestimate on this, because having too much space will always be better than not having enough and either having to pick and choose what is backed up or paying an overage fee.

The Customer/Tech Support

While IBackup has a whole library full of information on their product and services, you may not have enough time to wade through all of it to find the answer you are looking for. They have an email address available too, and a product demo that may answer more primitive questions, but after a point it just won't have any answers for you. SOS has created numerous video tutorials that show step by step how to fix any scenarios that you may come across, and they also have extended hours in their customer service department to answer the phones.

The Winner

SOS is the better choice of cloud backup company over IBackup. Their technical support is more informative and helpful, and the video tutorials are great. They only have a handful of storage options, but the smaller list makes it much easier to come to a decision. Too many options usually just confuse people and make it much more complicated to come to make a choice that should be simple.

Visit http://www.top10cloudstorage.com for more cloud storage comparisons amongst the top brands in the cloud backup industry.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stefan_Krolewski

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6980642

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